Sunday, October 22, 2006

Staring at a blank sheet of paper...
blinking infront of the computer screen...
Nothing... tabularasa...

This soul has been trying to write its deepest thoughts and yet no words seem fit to describe the ramblings it has long buried in its unfathomable subconsciouness. And so the unspoken words are shown in strange actions at times with animosity; the body unknowingly expressed the suppressed emotions of the soul.

What makes this inexpressible longing worst than it is... its when people think you do these bitchy things intentionally... But you can not make them comprehend in spite of the struggling voice within. You just have to go through life not understood, called names and drowning the soul in silent reproach for being timid.

They said that we put walls not because we want to push people away but we want to know who will be brave enough to tear down the walls of reticence and liberate the muted soul.

Read betwenn the lines...

Serva me... Servabo te...
Break these walls and set this soul free...

1 comment:

VM said...

Furor scribendi. Allow it.

Facilius per partes in cognitionem totius adducimur. Allow me.